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[Book Tour] Mastering Your Scenes by J.A. Cox

Mastering Your Scenes by J.A. Cox

About the Book:

Title: Mastering Your Scenes

Author: J.A. Cox

Publisher: J.A. Cox

Publication Date: August 27, 2020

Pages: 78

Genre: Nonfiction

BOOK BLURB: Mastering Your Scenes was written with one main purpose, to help give authors and writers a creative boost in their scene writing and toss writers block into the oblivion of the abyss. In order to accomplish this each chapter is written in a workbook like format so that the steps provided can easily be implemented after they are explained. For each element of scene writing that is presented J.A. Cox explains the How, Why and When of its use along with his own description so that the information is easy to assimilate. He provides copious examples from his own writing of these elements in action as well as from shows and movies.

You will be given an anatomical look of what composes a scene and understand what goes into creating scenes that are engaging, seamless, and bristling with activity without any fluff. Mastering Your Scenes gives you the practical advice you need to keep your readers turning pages and falling in love with your characters. With the steps you will learn there will be no more question of if that scene fits or seems out of place.

A slim, concise and well focused treatise on how to write and master scenes and how writers can become authors by mastering scene writing. The various elements of a scene are discussed with well known examples and the key facts of each element are presented in depth, with a well laid out structure. The focus on the when, why, how, and the practical application tie up the various aspects of an element neatly and are very well explained. The author's observations based on experience in each area further adds to the utility of the treatise.

- The International Review of Books

Buy Links:

Amazon | Kobo

Book Review: "Mastering Your Scenes" by J.A. Cox is a refreshing take on the art of scene-building for writers. Cox dives deep into the intricacies of crafting compelling scenes, offering a blend of practical advice and creative insights. What sets this book apart is Cox's approachability as a guide. He doesn't just lay out techniques; he invites writers into a dialogue about their craft. Through relatable examples and engaging prose, Cox demystifies scene construction, making it accessible to writers of all levels. One of the book's strengths is its focus on the creative process. Cox encourages experimentation and exploration, emphasizing that scene-building is as much about discovery as it is about structure. This perspective is invaluable for writers seeking to infuse their work with authenticity and depth. Moreover, Cox's emphasis on sketching as a tool for world-building adds a unique dimension to the book. By encouraging writers to visualize their scenes, he helps them create immersive narratives that resonate with readers on a deeper level. "Mastering Your Scenes" is not just a how-to guide; it's a companion for writers on their creative journey. Whether you're struggling with writer's block or looking to refine your storytelling skills, Cox's insights will inspire and empower you to craft scenes that captivate and resonate.

Book Excerpt:

Since this book is all about writing a scene, it would be a good idea to discuss what it is before we begin talking about how to build one.  I am sure that you already have many ideas on how to answer the question above, but please humor me for now.  

Let’s look at a scene in this manner:

  • As an episode.

  • As a segment of an episode.

Some episodes are short, and some are long, it really all depends on how they are made.  Also, an episode is the medium in which a portion of a series plays out.  A scene can also be viewed in the same manner, as a medium in which a portion of your story plays out.  On that notion, some may be short, and some may be long, but they still fulfill the same purpose.  They provide the boundaries to contain all of the myriad of things that will take place at a certain point in the story.

Consider that within an episode that there are segments in which very particular things happen, such as a robbery at a bank, a high-speed chase along the highway or even a ship being boarded by pirates on the high seas.  All of these segments placed into a written format would actually be the scene itself.  I hope I am not confusing you but am just trying to convey the fact that a scene in a story fulfills the purpose of both episode and segment combined.

The purpose of this book is to look at the pieces that go into creating the segment so that you can create the most dynamic episode possible.  Another very important factor about a scene, is its continuity.  Whether one scene directly spills into the next or it is briefly interrupted as you transition to something else for a few scenes and pick back up where you left off, you still want things to be seamless. One of my goals is through the use of these elements to empower you with the ability to do so with ease. You can think of each element as a layer on which to build each scene in your story and as your story evolves your use of each will shift as some may not be needed and others will be essential.  I will help you to realize how they all tie together to bring out the best in your scene creation.

– Excerpted from Mastering Your Scenes by J.A. Cox, J.A. Cox, 2020. Reprinted with permission.

About the Author:

J. A. Cox is a husband, father and disabled veteran. He is passionate about Jesus Christ and has a desire to allow God to use his writing to bring glory to his name and reach others for him. His other passions lie in: 1) Empowering people by teaching about things that he is knowledgeable in in a simple and fun as well as interesting manner. 2)Inspiring others that they may realize how the true potential to overcome their perceived dilemma lies right between their ears and how they allow it to manipulate what their eyes behold. 3) Helping people to realize that being healthy truly begins with realizing how important it is for them to be intimately acquainted with their own body in order for others to help them resolve its maladies that beset it. Along with those, he enjoys entertaining with fiction based on the concept that fact is stranger than fiction and then stretching it just a tad to create some memorable page turning moments that you will likely recall for some time to come.

Author Links:

Website | LinkedIn



  1. Michelle, thank you for the time you took to read my manuscript and for your honest and very powerful review that you have given my book.


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